2-6 PAX

60 mins



在小镇的边缘,一座新型的高科技监狱拔地而起,它的设计旨在成为最安全的囚禁设 施。为了确保其安全性,监狱长决定请侦探馆的馆长福尔摩狮派遣几名最聪明的小侦探进行一次 逃脱测试。这些小侦探将化身为监狱测评师,你们的任务是找出监狱中可能存在的漏洞,并尝试 逃出。

On the edge of the town, a new high-tech prison has emerged, designed to be the safest detention facility. To ensure its safety, the prison warden decided to ask the director of the detective agency, Holmes, to dispatch several of the smartest detectives for an escape test. These little detectives will transform into prison assessors, tasked with identifying potential loopholes in the prison and attempting to escape.

监狱逃生 Prison Escape

From: RM68.00

星期一~星期四 Monday~Thursday

9个游戏时段   9 Timeslot

  1. 11:00 — 12:00
  2. 12:15 — 13:15
  3. 13:30 — 14:30
  4. 14:45-15:45
  5. 16:00 — 17:00
  6. 17:15 — 18:15
  7. 18:30 — 19:30
  8. 19:45-20:45
  9. 21:00 — 22:00


星期五~周日 Friday~Sunday

10个游戏时段  10 Timeslot

  1. 10:30 — 11:30
  2. 11:45-12:45
  3. 13:00 — 14:00
  4. 14:15-15:15
  5. 15:30 — 16:30
  6. 16:45 — 17:45
  7. 18:00 — 19:00
  8. 19:15 — 20:15
  9. 20:30 — 21:30
  10. 21:45-22:45



🗓️Click on Calendar for Available Timeslot