2-8 PAX

60 mins



猪佩佩的曾祖父前不久不幸离世,你们都曾听闻猪佩佩的曾祖父非常的有钱。而猪佩 佩也在曾祖父离世后接到管家的消息,希望猪佩佩可以去到曾祖父生前的豪宅里,通过考验以后 方可继承曾祖父遗留下的所有财产和不为人知的绝密物品。而猪佩佩则邀请你们一同前往,协助 她通过考验,以及探寻曾祖父的秘密。

Zhu Peipei’s great grandfather passed away recently. You have all heard that Zhu Peipei’s great grandfather was very wealthy. And after his great grandfather passed away, Zhu Peipei also received a message from the butler, hoping that he could go to his great grandfather’s mansion and pass the test before inheriting all the property and secret items left by his great grandfather. And Zhu Peipei invites you to go together to assist her in passing the test and ex- ploring the secrets of her great grandfather.

继承者们 The Inheritors

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