2-8 PAX

60 mins



小丑丹尼,作为团长,以其精湛的表演技艺和无穷的创意,成为了小镇中最受欢迎的 表演者。他的每一次演出都能让孩子们笑得前仰后合,但是小丑丹尼遇到了一位特殊的观众——— 雪莉,她怎么都逗不笑。所以今天你们将化身为马戏团的团员,去帮助小丑丹尼逗笑这个特殊的 观众。

Danny the Clown, as the team leader, has become the most popular performer in the town with his superb performance skills and endless cre- ativity. Every time he performs, he can make the children laugh so much, but Joker Danny meets a special audience – Sherry, who can’t make them laugh no matter what. So today you will become members of the circus and help the clown Danny make this special audience laug audience Javan.

Coming Soon

小丑马戏团 Clown Circus

Coming soon